
Rs 40000 fine imposed on various traders for violating food safety standards in Budgam

02/07/2019 - 09/07/2019 Budgam

Budgam, July 2: Adjudicating Officer, Additional Deputy Commissioner Budgam Mushtaq Ahmad Simnani today imposed a fine of Rs. 40000 on various food outlet owners, shopkeepers, traders and wholesale dealers for violating the food safety standards in the district.

The fine was imposed on the erring traders, during the proceeding of cases of various blocks of district Budgam related to the Food Safety and Standards, listed before the Adjudicating officer.

During the proceedings, various food business operators were convicted for various offences under section 51 and section 52 of Food Safety & Standards Act.

The Adjudicating Officer further directed the offenders not to repeat the practice of selling misbranded or any substandard food items and asked them to comply with the provision of Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.

At the outset, Simnani also directed the concerned to conduct regular inspections of the business operators and take action under the law against the violators.

Among others, the proceedings were attended by designated officer of Food Safety & Standards District Budgam and all Food Safety Officers of the district.