
Supplementary Nutrition Programme

Date : 01/01/2011 - | Sector: Centrally Sponsored Scheme run by the Ministry of Women and Child Development (GOI).

Basic aims and Objections of the Scheme

I.To improve the Nutrition and Health Status of Children in the age group of 0-6 years                         II.To lay foundation for proper psychological physical and Social development of the Children.        III.To reduce the incidence of Mortality Morbidity, Mal-Nutrition and school dropouts.                            IV. To achieve effective coordination of policy and implementation amongst the various Departments to promote Children Development.                                                                                                                                 V. To enhance the capability of mother to look after the normal Health and Nutritional need of the child through proper Nutrition and Health Education.


i. Children 6 months to 3 years. ii. Children 3years to 6 years ii. Nursing Mothers iii. Pregnant ladies. iv. Adolescent Girls.


Non formal Pre School Education;- Under this component Pre-School Education is being given to the Children of the age group of 3-6 years who stand enrolled at AWCs before they get admission in the school. Health and Nutrition Education;- Necessary awareness is being made among the ladies at Anganwadi Centres ( Nursing and Pregnant) with regard the health of their Children and Nutritious food to be provided to their Children. Immunization;- Immunization of Target group of beneficiaries is being done at AnganwadiCenters in collaboration with Health Deptt of the respective areas. Health Check up;- Necessary health checkups are being conducted by the health Department to the enrolled beneficiaries at AWCs of the District. Referral Services;- The services of AWWs are also utilized in their respective areas for referring of pregnant ladies, children to the nearest Hospital as and when required.

How To Apply

Registration at Anganwadi Centers.