
Doodhpathri Development Authority

Doodhpathri Development Authority

Mission, vision, objectives, citizen charter

The vision of the Authority is to provide avenues for the economic development of the region.

  1. To bring new tourist spots on the tourist map.
  2. To provide employment to the stakeholders.
  3. To create opportunities for revenue generation.
  4. To train the local educated youth in the hotel business, guides, and also pony wallas.
  5. To create tourist-friendly atmosphere.
  6. To create eco-friendly infrastructure. Etc

The Objectives  of the Authority are as follows: 

  1. Tourism as a poverty reduction strategy.
  2. Development of the region as a pioneer ecotourism destination.
  3. Preservation of the natural and cultural ecology for giving impetus to the tourism activity in the region.
  4. To create infrastructure for the convenience of tourists like public convenience, Shelter Shed, Budgeted Accommodation, Primary medical facilities, signage, and other roadside facilities.
  5. To attract the tourists towards new tourist spots in order to decrease the rush to Gulmarg, Pahalgam, and other famous gardens in Srinagar.

The mission of the Authority

  1. This Authority focusing on the provisions of infrastructure with emphasis on accessibility.
  2. Establishing a public partnership between Tourism, Forest, Social Forestry and Wildlife for introducing ecotourism in the region;
  3. This Authority will initiate ‘projects and schemes’ requiring heavy investment through the arrangement of transparent Public-Private-Partnership without adversely affecting the natural resources and the culture of the host communities.

Emphasis on projects and schemes will not only give impetus to eco-tourism but also ensure that tourism development is translated into quantifiable benefits for local communities.

Organisational /Functional setup and directory



Constitutional, legal and administrative frameworks

Development Act-1970

Plans, programmes, schemes and projects

This Development Authority has various schemes under State Capex Budget and Centrally Sponsored Schemes.

State Capex Budget:  There are various Schemes under this budget like Construction of Tourist Accommodation, wayside facilities, Public conveniences, Rain Shelter Sheds, View Points, various huts, and maintenance / up-gradation of assets. The Total Capex Budget approved was Rs. 328.37 lacs and out of which Rs. 317.70 was booked as expenditures with this many schemes under this State Capex Budget were completed.

Centrally Sponsored Scheme: There are Three projects sanctioned under this scheme viz Tourist Reception Centre which is already completed, Budgeted Accommodation ( T-20 building at Dodhpathri ) completed this year, and Dodhpathri as a Tourist Destination which will be completed in the year 2021-22.

Services offered

 This Authority has made broachers in which all the information related to the Dodhpathri Destination has been given with photographs which are provided to every tourist in order that he may get information about the various spots of the destination.

Also, this Authority is providing the service of various casual / need base laborers who remain ready every time to provide help to the tourists if needed.

Public Conveniences / Cafeteria has been constructed and made functional on the roadside so that tourists may not face any inconvenience.

Publications and reports

 Centrally Sponsored Scheme :

Approved :  Rs. 1194.09 lacs

Amount Released: Rs 1062.52 lacs

Expenditure Incurred: Rs. 1033.52 lacs.

State Capex Budget for the year 2020-21

Approved : Rs. 328.37 lacs

Released :   Rs. 328.37 lacs

Expenditure Incurred: Rs. 317.70 lacs.


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Notice Board

This Authority have created various Assets and the Authority is going to Outsource all the assets during the current financial year 2021-22.

This Authority is going to completed all the ongoing projects this year 2021-22.

Draft Master Plan Notification

Draft Master Plan Report

Draft Master Plan

FAQ and Help


