
District Statistics and Evaluation Office

District Statistics and Evaluation Office Budgam

Mission, vision, objectives, citizen charter

The main function is of collection, compilation and Analysis of data emanating from various department, conducting of sample survey, Evaluation studies, Monitoring and Physical verification of 100% projects/works, Concurrent Monitoring, Vital Statistics, Price Index and ICS (crop cut survey).

Organisational /Functional setup and directory


District Statistics and Evaluation Officer, Budgam


Tel No. 255421


Constitutional, legal and administrative frameworks

J&K Collection of Statistical Act 2010

Plans, programmes, schemes and projects

Publication of 04 Statistical digests:-

·         District Statistical Handbook

·         Constituency- Wise Village Amenity Directory

·         District Budgam At A Glance

·         Economic Review 

Services offered

Providing of District Statistical Data through 4 Publication Digests.

Publications and reports



For Feedback send an email to

Notice Board

  1. 361 projects under the UT sector and 226 projects under the District sector taken up during 2019-20 were physically verified during the financial year of 2020-21.
  2. 234 projects under the UT sector and 137 projects under the District sector taken up during 2020-21 were physically verified during the financial year of 2020-21.
  3. 105 projects were also physically verified during the financial year 2020-21 under various schemes viz, B2V, CD-Pyt, TSP, United grants, and MPLAD taken up by District Development Commissioner, Budgam.
  4. 02 Evaluation studies Viz. Integrated Social Security Scheme (ISSS) and National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) of the Financial Year 2020-21 were released by this office during the financial year 2020-21.
  5. Furthermore, 02 more Evaluation studies JSY/JSSK and NRLM of FY 2018-19 and 2019-20 were also released during 2020-21.
  6. 04 Publications digests viz; District Statistical Handbook, Constituency- Wise Village Amenity Directory, District Budgam at a Glance and Economic Review for the financial year 2020-21.
  7. This office also conducted the verification of material/items procured and distributed among victims of Covid-19 by various offices of district Budgam during the year 2020-21.
  8. Conduct of Job card verification of the District Budgam.
  9. Conduct of 78th round of NSS Completed
  10. Vital Statistics and Prices Index of District Budgam up to Feb. 2021 completed.
  11. SL-2 level supervision of 7th  Economic Census.
  12. Conduct of Improvement of Crop survey(ICS) for the current year.

FAQ and Help

What is the process of obtaining Statistical Data of District Budgam from this office?.

Ans:- People have to approach this office and collect the available data. 


Gazetted Cadre:-

1.       Deputy Director(E&S)

2.       Assistant Director (E&S)

Non-Gazetted Cadre:-

1.       Statistical officer= 03

2.       Statistical Assistant =03

3.        Junior Statistical Assistant=04 

4.       Junior Stenographer=01

5.       Accounts Assistant =01

6.       Junior Assistant=01

7.       Driver=01

8.       Orderly=02