
65000 verified farmers to get PM- Kisan scheme benefits in Budgam

24/02/2019 - 04/03/2019

Budgam, Feb 24: A daylong awareness programme on PM- Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme was held today at New Conference Hall Budgam, where Deputy Commissioner, Budgam Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar distributed certificates among dozens of farmers getting first installment benefits of Rs 2000 under the scheme.

On the occasion, the DC said that 65000 farmers have been verified and updated to get the first installment benefits under the scheme across the district.

She assured that those genuine farmers who have been left out due to some errors in data will be also cleared for the same soon.

She lauded the concerned departments including Revenue and Agriculture for their expeditious work in coming up with the clean list in short span of time.

She said the scheme launched for the farmers is to encourage and support farmers financially to boost them for farming.  She said that it is an additional step ahead for the recognition of farmers and engage them in the development process. She said that government is at disposal of farmers to address their issues/problems faced by them.

On the occasion, the DC also took review of the preparedness for the forthcoming Parliament and State Assembly Polls in the district and emphasized on providing voter ID cards to all genuine voters who have not acquired it yet.

She termed the voter ID card is as important as a Residential Proof for every citizen and said it empowers him to exercise his franchise to choose a candidate of his/her own choice.

She further urged upon officers to ensure there is no delay in providing EPIC cards to genuine citizens and ensure maximum participation in the upcoming polls.

Among others, the programme was attended by the ADDC Budgam, Khurshid Ahmad Sanai, ACR Budgam Zaffar Shawl, Chief Agriculture Officer Budgam, Shabir Ahmad Allaqband, Tehsildar Budgam Nusrat and various other officials of Revenue, Agriculture and other concerned departments.