
Advisor Kumar visits District Hospital, proposed sites of district Hospital, Indoor stadium Budgam

03/05/2019 - 12/05/2019 Budgam

Budgam, May 03: Advisor to the Governor, K Vijay Kumar today visited District   Hospital Budgam and took stock of the health care facilities being provided to the patients there. The Advisor also visited the proposed site of District Hospital at Reshipora and proposed site of Indoor Stadium Budgam.  

SP Budgam, Amod Asok Nagpure, ACR Budgam, Zaffer Shawl, CMO Budgam, Dr Nazeer, MS District Hospital, Dr. Deeba and other senior doctors and officers from administration were present on the occasion.

During visit, the Advisor inspected various wards, including Neonatology unit, operation theatre, Gyne ward, RBSK and USG units and interacted with staff as well as patients to take firsthand appraisal of their grievances and issues related to the healthcare.

The MS on the occasion raised various issues related to space limitations, installation of latest USG machinery, insufficient staff, blood bank, Eco Cardiology, POL and other problems being faced at the hospital presently.

The Advisor also took stock of the work done in past years and reviewed progress on the ongoing projects and further requirements to ensure better and hassle-free health services to the patients.

During his visit to proposed site for District Hospital Budgam at Reshipora, the advisor said that a state of the art hospital will be constructed here to cater to the entire district population and enhance health facilities and to provide better patient care.

At proposed site of Indoor Stadium Budgam, the Advisor said that work on the project will be started soon to ensure this facility will boost and encourage sports loving youth of Budgam and help them to create niche in their talent and perform at bigger platform to showcase their talent.

Various public delegations also called upon the Advisor and raised their issues regarding healthcare with him during his visit. The Advisor assured that all their genuine grievances will be looked into and addressed at an appropriate level.