
Back To Village: All arrangements made for effective programme execution

19/06/2019 - 26/06/2019 Budgam

Budgam, June 19: District Development Commissioner, Budgam Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar today chaired a meeting of officers and officials of Revenue Department. The meeting attended by NTs, Girdawars and Patwaris of the district was held at New Conference Hall, Budgam wherein they were sensitized about their role and responsibilities about the ensuing ‘Back to Village’ programme to be started from June- 21 to June- 27. While speaking on the occasion, the DDC impressed upon Patwaris to mobilize and educate people about the programme besides briefing the designated gazzeted officers about the village, its  issues and demands of the people in their respective Patwari halqas. During the meeting, revenue officials besides being informed on Back to Village, were also briefed about their frontline functions in the village and were instructed to be more responsive towards the delivery of public services. The Patwaris were instructed to play role in educating the people about the activities under the programme and  mobilizing them for their active participation. She further directed Patwaris to adopt pro-public attitude and ensure all the public issues are addressed in a prompt manner. During the meeting the Revenue officials raised number of demands with the DDC which include providing of facilities like construction/ revonation of  Patwar Khanas and facilities for record keeping. ADC, Mushaq Ahmad Simnani, ACR, Zaffar Ahmad Shawl also spoke on the occasion on various issues.