
DDC Budgam Kick started Two day girls Tennis Ball cricket Tournament

30/07/2019 - 02/08/2019 Budgam

Budgam, July 30: The District Development Commissioner, Budgam, Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar accompanied by ADC Budgam, Mushtaq Ahmad Simnani, Additional SP, and other concerned officers today inaugurated two day provincial   under 19 and under 17 tennis ball girls cricket tournament at Sports Stadium Budgam in presence of large gathering of sports enthusiasts as many as 7 teams from different districts are participating in the two day event. The DDC on the occasion appreciated the efforts of DYSS Budgam in organizing such events which ensuing period will prove highly beneficial. Sports activities are basic requirements in developing strong mind and strong physique of an enthusiastic youth.