
International Women’s Day celebrated across district Budgam.

08/03/2019 - 15/03/2019 Budgam

Budgam, Mar 8:- To celebrate  International women’s day , department of agriculture Budgam today organized one day awareness cum training workshop under National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) for woman progressive farmers of District Budgam at Conference Hall Budgam. District Development Commissioner, Budgam Dr Syed Sehrish Asgar presided over the function as chief guest. The day long workshop was attended by large number of progressive farmers, besides field staff, trained agricultural scientists and other concerned also attended the function.


In his introductory address the Chief Agricultural Officer Budgam, Shabir Ahmad Alaqband put forth the achievements and initiatives the department of agriculture is going to unfold in the district during current farming season with new dimensions and strategies to boost the agriculture production in the district. He said due to relentless efforts of the department particularly field staff, we were able to complete the 90% identification of farming under PM Kissan Samidhi Scheme.  So far 72,000 farmers have been registered under this scheme. He said our district have unique achievement as two number of villages Narkara and Bugam were selected under the cluster agriculture  projects, where from 200 progressive farmers from each cluster were  identified to be facilitated with special inventions and support for progressive farming.

During the workshop the DDC Budgam felicitated 4 farmers with cash incentives of Rs. 10,000 each for their achievements in the field of progressive farming.


Speaking as chief guest on the occasion the DC Budgam Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar while elaborating on todays event said that, God has created men and women equally. It is our duty to empower woman socially and economically. With this support we will find women taking part in every activity and in every aspect of life. Presently there is huge involvement of women in administrative sector, service sector, education field and agricultural sector. Women should not feel themselves as weaker gender, we have to bring confidence in them which will help them to grow their children with more confidence and develop them in such scenario that they can compete and face any competition in their life. The DC hoped that the society will recognize the courage and determination of women and give them their due in the progress of the society and the nation.


Similar programmes were also organized at the Town Hall Budgam and Town Hall Khansahab on international Womans day. At Town Hall Khansahab the programme was presided over by theCJM Budgam, Tabasum Parray. The programme was attended by large number of local women, Asha/Anganwadi workers and senior citizens. SDM Khansahab, SDPO, Tehsildar, BDO and CDPO Khansahab also graced the occasion. Speaking on the occasion the Chief Judicial Magistrate threw light on the importance of this day. She said better empowerment and equality in gender will demonstrate fruitful results for the civilized society.


At town hall Budgam the programme was organized by department of ICDS Budgam under the chairmanship of ADDC Budgam Khursheed Ahmad Sanaie. ADC/DPO Budgam Khursheed Ahmad Shah, CDPO Budgam, Mohd Azhar Lone, female officers of employment, revenue and health departments were present on the occasion. The programme was attended by large gathering of Asha and Anganwadi workers, NGOs, concerned Officers and officials.

Speaking on the occasion as chief guest, the ADDC said the International women’s day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on the progress made in making women equal partners in the development of the society. He urged upon women to take inspiration from success stories of many women who have distinguished themselves globally.