
Meeting on National Rural Drinking Water Programme held in Budgam

06/07/2019 - 11/07/2019 Budgam

Budgam, July 6, 2019: A meeting on District Water and Sanitation Mission under National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) was convened here today under the chairmanship of DDC Budgam Dr. Syed Sehrish Asgar. The meeting among others was also attended by ADC Budgam, MA Simnani, SE Hydraulics, G A Beigh, JD Planning, CEO, CAO, CMO, DPO, Ex. PHE Chadoora and Budgam, DSWO and other concerned officials.

The meeting threadbare discussed the water conservation methods, water purity, minimizing scarcity, measures to improve quality of drinking water, hygienic standard, safeguarding of reservoirs and sources.

Speaking on the occasion the DDC impressed upon that main focus shall be to ensure continuous supply of drinking water requirements of all the habitations of the district Budgam, particularly unserved areas. Regarding the issue of drinking water supply availability in the education institutions, the DDC directed CEO Budgam, to personally look into the matter of dysfunctional toilets and along with PHE authorities ensure that all education institutions across the district are facilitated with required supply of water.

On the issue of water conservation plan the DDC urged upon all concerned departments to focus on broader social forestry initiatives, identification of sources of water contamination, desiliting of raw storage from tanks.

The meeting also took up various issues for discussion particularly keeping a vigil over illegal water supply connections which is great cause of concern. She said to stop this menace PHE department need to remain pro active with all resources, in addition there is need to stop all kinds of discharge particularly mobile oil coming from washing stations   and other unhygienic items into nallas/canals.                   

During the meeting instructions were passed on to washing and service pump stations to construct effluent treatment plants with in their vicinity. To materialize this all at ground level DDC said, RD Department has to play a vital role in spreading the awareness through gram sabhas and local interactions about construction of septic and sewage pits in rural areas to facilitate clean and hygienic atmosphere and controlling contamination of drinking water. DDC urged upon all to take a pledge on water conservation and take it as a movement. For wider publicity of water conservation, seminar and programmes shall be conducted at broader level, for this service of print, electronic and social media shall be utilized for broader positive results.