

Department of Horticulture Budgam

Mission, vision, objectives, citizen charter

Horticulture is backbone of State economy contributing nearly Rs:-5000/- Crore to our economy, as per an estimate over 07 lac families are directly or indirectly engaged in pursuits connected with Horticulture sector. So it is one of the sectors, which contribute significantly, in employment generation and add nearly 9% to the Gross State Domestic Product.         

                 During the first few five year plans, priority was assigned to achieve self sufficiency in food grains production. Over the years, horticulture emerged as an important and growing sub sector of agriculture, offering a wide range of choices to the farmers for crop diversification. It also provides ample opportunities for sustaining large number of agro industries which generate substantial employment opportunities.  With agriculture and allied sectors finding alternate ways of increasing productivity of crops, horticulture as a sub-sector, is a revelation, showing remarkable signs of progress in the state

  • Horticulture is backbone of State economy.
  • Horticulture contributes nearly Rs:-5000/- Crore to States economy annually.
  • Horticulture sector contributes about 7% to the Gross State Domestic Product.
  • 236 private registered Nurseries produce 13 lac plants.
  • 7 Lac families / 33 Lac souls involved in the trade.
  • Each hectare of Orchard generates 400 man days per year
  • Productivity of Apple -10 MT/ ha and average of all fruits is 5-6 MT/ha. There is a potential to enhance the productivity of Apple from 10 MT to at least 45 MT per hectare with high-density farming system.
  • Diversification of fruits from traditional apple to other fruits like Walnut and Cherry that face very little or no competition in the National and International market has been taken on a large scale. Even, in case of apple diversification of varieties has been planned with more stress on Ambri, Star Crimson, Cooper-4 and Red Fuji
  • Stress has been laid to increase area under fruit crops like Walnut, Pear, Stone Fruits, Strawberry, Grape, Pecan nut and Olive (zonalization)
  • Zonalization of fruit crops has been planned for future plantation under area expansion programmes.
  • Potential for bringing additional area under Walnut is enormous. As per preliminary estimates about 0.50 lakh hectares are available on which Walnut cultivation can be undertaken successfully. This will help to create green cover in hill areas and conserve soil from erosion. Besides, provide high value wood for wood Carving Industry, as well as Walnuts for export purpose
  • Cherry cultivation is another promising field for development. The department has propagated high quality plant material on semi dwarfing colt root stocks. It is proposed to bring sizeable area under cherry cultivation so that its production is doubled during next five years
  • Creation of irrigation infrastructures for Horticulture crops is top priority with the department to increase the present productivity of 10.00 tones to 20 tones/ha.
  • Popularization of agricultural tools, implements and plant protection machinery has been intensified to have effective control over various plant diseases and insects

  • Status of various diseases and insects remained below economic threshold levels as a result of adoption of integrated pest management schedule prepared jointly by the experts of Department of Horticulture and Scientists of SKUAST

Organisational /Functional setup and directory



Constitutional, legal, and administrative frameworks


Plans, programs, schemes, and projects


  • H.D Plantation Scheme
  • MIDH
  • PMDP
  • State Plan
  • SMAM
  • ATMA

Road Map:

  • The production/productivity of fruit crops particularly apple, pear and cherry can be enhanced by transition from traditional farming systems to hi-tech farming system.
  • The system involves use of clonal rootstocks, which have the quality attributes with size controlling features, prolific bearing characteristics, and uniformity in the produce. With use of clonal rootstock’s, the plant population of around 3333 trees/hectare can be accommodated which would result in increase of production by several folds.
  • Conversion of 1.00 lac Hectare land area under High Density Plantation in five years i.e. by 2025.
  • Introduction/import of internationally accepted Varieties/root stocks.
  • Multiplication of imported rootstock and production of quality plant material in public sector nurseries and in farmers’ field through PPP Mode.
  • Production of more than 20 thousand grafted elite quality plant material of Walnut annually in Public sector Nurseries.
  • Adoption of Advanced Mechanized farming system
  • Strengthening of nurseries for production/multiplication of elite plant material.
  • Establishment of Centre of Excellence/Model villages/capacity building.
  • Adoption of cold chain concept/increase in CA Storage infrastructure.

Services offered

The department performs a number of operations as: 

  • Area Expansion.
  • Rejuvenation of Old and Senile Orchards.
  • Awareness among farmers for adoption of latest technical know-how.
  • Disease and Plan health Management.
  • Canopy Management.
  • Soil Health Management.
  • Creation of Water Sources.
  • Production of quality fruit plants.
  • Protected Cultivation.
  • Human Resource Development.
  • Horticulture Mechanization.
  • Organic farming
  • On farm collection and sorting units.

Publications and reports



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