

 Department of Labour Budgam

Mission, vision, objectives, citizen charter

Labour Department Budgam: Department under the intellectual control of higher authorities performing with its full potential to provide all possible help to the workers/laborers who are working in different sectors/segments.

ObjectiveDepartment with its proactive efforts are committed to serve for labourer class in order to safeguard their legitimate rights provided in Labour Acts/rules. Office of the Assistant Labour Commissioner Budgam is trying its level best as a “stakeholder of the department in district Budgam” to facilitate the labourer class in terms of providing financial assistance in welfare schemes as well as in terms of settlements of their problems/grievances through labour courts in other labour Acts.

  • Office is holding labour courts twice a week in district Budgam for the early disposal of court cases filed under Payment of Wages Act, Payment of Gratuity Act and Employees Compensation Act by the aggrieved workers.
  • District Labour department has organized as many awareness camps in order to sensitize the labour class who are wide spread across the length and breadth of the District Budgam. Under Building and Other construction Workers Welfare Scheme, this office has registered as on date a total number of 35000 construction workers and providing financial assistance to the genuine construction workers under different components of the scheme.
  • District office in collaboration with Employment department Budgam has also organized awareness camps under Pradhan Mantri Sharm Yogi Maan-dhan (PMSYM) Yojana so that workers from other segment can also get the benefit of Government schemes.

Organisational /Functional setup and directory


Organisation/Functional setup


Constitutional, legal and administrative frameworks


Plans, programmes, schemes and projects

Implementation of welfare schemes: As far as welfare schemes are concerned, two major Schemes have been launched by Ministry of Labour & employment for the welfare of workers working in organized as well as in unorganized sector.

  • J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Scheme:

    The Government constituted the Board, namely ”J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board” in 2010 for the welfare of most vulnerable segment of second largest unorganized labour sector in order to provide safety, health and welfare measures for building and other construction workers.

  • Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Yojana (PM-SYM): Government of India has announced a mega pension scheme namely “Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Yojana” (PM-SYM) under Section 3(1) (c) of the Un-organized Workers’ Social Security Act (UWSS Act), 2008 in order to provide suitable welfare scheme for unorganized workers on matters relating to old age protection in the form of pension.

Services offered

Mission Mode Project: Labour department Budgam under the supervision and proper guidance of higher authorities played a tremendous and extraordinary role in all the wellbeing activities whether it is a matter of providing COVID relief to all the active construction workers for purchase of essential commodities or rescue of ISM Workers to their native places.

In the wake of the novel COVID-19, Staff members of the Labour department Budgam had worked hard without showing any concern for their personal health and worked day and night @ 24×7 for the effective implementation of “Mission Mode Project”. The main objective of implementing the Mission Mode Project is to register the left out genuine construction workers with J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board as well as to provide much needed financial assistance to needy construction workers. As a result, this office was able to disburse an amount of worth ₹ 2,85,25,000/-  to  a number of 28525 workers @ ₹ 1000/- in separate four instalments.

Functions of Labour Office: The Labour Department Budgam is charged with the responsibilities of enforcement of Labour Laws and enactments for regulating the work conditions of the workers and their welfare in Public/private organized/un-organized Sectors.


The mandate of this office includes to ensure:-

  • Compensation to workers for injury or death in course of employment and out of employment. 
  • Payment of wages, gratuity, bonus, maternity benefits, Health insurance and provident fund. 
  • Settlement of disputes of workers with employers. 
  • Health Safety and other welfare measures of the workers.
  • Improving working conditions and ensuring safe and congenial atmosphere at workplace. 
  • Regulating working conditions. 
  • A special measure for the welfare of building construction workers, regulating trade unions by registering the union’s employees, ensuring safety of workers by implementing Labour Act, Abolishing Bonded Labour wherever it exists in any form and manifestation implementing the child labour to ensure that no child is implicated in hazardous works.

Publications and reports



The department always welcomes every positive feedback from the public @ 24×7. Any kind of grievance/complaints, if any, may kindly be sent to official email:

Notice Board


FAQ and Help



Powers and duties of its Officers and Employees:

  • Assistant Labour Commissioner vested with Administrative, Financial and Quasi Judicial Powers.
  • Labour Officer/Labour Inspector is a field officer supervises the works of employees under his/her control. Labour Officers act as controlling authority to decide claims of gratuity under Payment of Wages Act, 1970, Registration Officer and licensing officer under Shops and Establishment Act, 1966, Inter State Migrant Workmen (RECS) Act.
  • Senior/Junior Assistant assists in keeping the administrative, financial and judicial records.
  • Data Entry Operators engaged by J&K Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board to look after the works of welfare board from registration of construction workers to disbursement of financial assistance.