

Date : 08/03/2018 - |

This is flag ship programme that aims to improve Nutritional out comes for Children, Pregnant Women and Lactating Mothers. It is a Multi Ministerial convergence Mission with the vision  to ensure attainment of Malnutrition free India by 2022 in the phased manner during the next 3 year beginning from 2017-18.



Children in the age group 0-6 years, Adolescent Girls, Pregnant Women and Lactating


Poshan Abhiyaan envisages focus on under three children First (1000 days) through specific initiative aimed at motivating and mobilizing behaviour change among the functionaries. Beneficiaries and community at large for this community based events. “CBEs” are envisaged as a platform for disseminating essential messages and counsel pregnant women and lactating mothers on appropriate Health and Nutrition behaviours and practices. CBEs provide an opportunity of face to face interaction between the beneficiaries and facilitators and help to create awareness among pregnant women and Mothers of children up to 2 years of age and also awareness about the benefits available to pregnant and lactating Mothers under PMMVY and JSY Schemes.

How To Apply

Enrolment at respective Anganwadi Centre